Meet Joel. In just 4 weeks, he’s managed to research, produce and start selling East End Blend, a new tea to help East London’s homeless.
All profits of this new blend and 18 other teas from Stir and Sip will come directly back to SCT – thanks Joel!
It all started last month when Joel talked to Gary, our drop in Manager, who told him that tea was the first non-alcoholic drink of the day for many of the homeless people who come to our drop in.
Joel started volunteering at the drop in and meeting the people there, and it was there that he was really struck by the power of a cuppa.
“All journeys of recovery start with a simple cup of tea and it seemed like a natural link to generate money from something that would help in such a clear and simple way”, he told us.
“All journeys of recovery start with a simple cup of tea and it seemed like a natural link to generate money from something that would help in such a clear and simple way.”
This triggered a frenzy of activity to blend, brand, promote and distribute East End Blend and the company behind it, Stir and Sip.
Earlier today, he tested the tea with some of our regulars at the drop in. Blended by a Darjeeling native and professional tea expert, we all held our breath as Matthew, a drop in regular took his first sip. “Nice. It’s very aromatic” he said. Joel’s shoulders visibly relaxed.
“Nice. It’s very aromatic.”
Joel will be launching the tea in coming weeks and we’ll be stocking it in our social enterprise cafés Paper & Cup in Shoreditch and Poplar.
Clearly a man who doesn’t register obstacles, we think Joel has done a great thing.
Watch this space for news about the forthcoming launch of East End Blend.
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