Meet David and his team of riders from Coutts. Next month they’ll be riding from London to Paris to raise funds for SCT.

“We wanted to help a small, local charity where the money we raised would have a big impact”, said David.

“We liked SCT because there are a lot of ways to get involved. We’ve sold things on ebay for them and volunteered at their drop in for the homeless.

This bike ride is the next step and more than ten colleagues have now signed up including one non-bike rider who’ll be running some of the way!”

“We wanted to help a small, local charity where the money we raised would have a big impact.”

Eleven riders from Coutts will be tackling the 240 miles to Paris and, with just over a month left before they put their feet on the pedals, the team of varying abilities haven’t got long to go.

“I’ve been riding from home to work and back every day and doing the circuit around Richmond Park.

Some of the younger members of the team are a little less concerned than the older riders at the length, but we’ve split the ride to Paris over four days.

We’ve also split the team into faster and slower riders and organised stop-off places to meet and catch each other up along the way.”

Fantastically well organised, SCT wish David and his team the best of luck on the ride and coming weeks. The money they raise will help us support more people to recover from their addictions and start to lead more ‘normal’ lives.

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