“Charismatic and imaginative”

This is Gary Davidge, our drop in manager with Simon McMurtrie from the Worshipful Company of Vintners. Simon has just described our staff as charismatic and imaginative. 

“I am really impressed by the people at SCT and particularly struck by Gary who I think is amazing and very well organised” said Simon. “He’s able to spot people at the drop in who might be able to benefit from some of the services that SCT can offer such as helping them give up drink or drugs or helping them find a home.”

The Vintners’ Company – one of the City’s 12 Great Livery Companies – has just agreed to part fund Gary’s post at the drop in. Thank you Vintners! So why, we hear you ask, is a livery company historically linked to the sale of wine supporting an addictions charity?

“Whilst Vintners supports the celebration of the good side of enjoying wine, we also exist to help to pick up the pieces from its less appealing and riskier side. One of our main purposes is the charitable giving arm of our work. We’re very conscious that alcohol can cause massive social problems and we want to play our part. We want to help those people who drink too much or that have become dependent on it and help them get back on the right path in life.” explains Simon. “What SCT does is perfectly suited to the kind of work we want to support and we think supporting Gary’s area would be particularly valuable.”

Sitting in our award-winning social enterprise café, Paper & Cup in Shoreditch, Simon is especially attracted to SCT’s innovative style. “The charisma of the people that work here and the confidence to start new initiatives is brilliant. Graham has created a good, imaginative culture. For example, we love Paper & Cup where SCT has made a commercial enterprise using the support of people in recovery to provide a job and give them back their self-esteem. People are genuinely helped through their troubles into a home and back into a job. It’s very powerful.”

The Vintners’ Company has supported charities since 1363. SCT looks forward to our partnership with Vintners and will use their support to put more people’s lives back together. 

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Read more about SCT’s drop in services.

Find out about the Vintners’ Company on their website.