Fantastic local writer, The Gentle Author, has captured Graham Marshall, our CEO in such a warm and true way. We agree with every word! Great photo too.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview: 

“An individual of self-effacing temperament and single-minded determination, Graham has kept the Spitalfields Crypt Trust small with minimal bureaucracy, so that it can remain a flexible organisation focussed on its purpose, and financially independent, so that it can work in its own way without being subject to the whims of local authority funding.

Above all, he has personally kept the project alive so that the quietly dignified work can continue, enabling hundreds of people to find a new existence away from the streets and free from the dependencies that blighted their lives.” 

“I love my work. I love every day, I don’t ever have a bad one. I see positive change. Some people think it’s depressing and it’s about failure and degradation, but it’s not – it’s about people coming off dependency and recovering their sobriety, and learning to love themselves.” Graham Marshall, CEO, SCT

Read the full blog here 

Read how we’re helping Gary turn his life around

In 2015, we’re celebrating 50 years of helping people to recovery from addictions and homelessness. We want to raise an extra £50,000.

Please help us by donating online. Thank you!

Photo: Sarah Ainslie