In 2015 SCT is celebrating its golden anniversary. That’s 50 years of working away in our corner of London helping recovering alcoholics, drug addicts and the homeless.
As one of the first residential rehabilitation places in the UK, we’ve seen a lot of change. We’ve seen East London radically transformed from the poor person’s part of London, to the achingly cool place it is today. But unfortunately, other things have stayed the same. Such as the same old triggers driving people towards drink or drugs: failed relationships, losing a job or a having a history of addiction in the family.
Our services in the local area remain in high demand and we still rely on the support of individuals, businesses and trusts to help fund our work. Can you help us raise an extra £50,000 this year?
We’re planning some exciting events this year which include:
- Flip Flop Friday: pay £3 to wear flip flops or sandals to work and support the homeless (Friday 13 February)
- A fundraising music gig at 93 Feet East, Brick Lane, featuring 5 fantastic bands (Thursday 9 April)
- The SCT Charity shop Strut and Run: our first local walking and running in Tower Hamlets (Saturday 9 May)
- Shakespeare’s Shoreditch garden party to launch our new Shakespeare orchard and wild flower garden (Sunday 14 June)
We would love to invite everyone who has ever worked, volunteered or been supported by SCT and its projects to these events. If that’s you, then please get in touch! Or if you wish to find out more information about any of the above, please contact Sonia at
Meanwhile, watch this space for further information.