Despite a calf strain, Helen Orton is bubbling with energy in advance of this Sunday’s marathon.

“I’m really excited,” she told us.

Helen has met her staggering £2500 fundraising target!

Helen has met her staggering £2500 fundraising target!

To raise much needed funds for us, eager Helen has gone above and beyond the call of duty, she’s “Cajoling people and going round my local community,” has organised a raffle and is training round the clock to get ready for race day.

A local artist has donated £300 worth of art to Helen’s raffle – which takes place tomorrow evening. A Sunday roast for two at the Old Nun is on offer and Joey Essex has even donated signed hats!?

The marathon prep experience is not all fun and games; Helen has been having “a lot of ice baths.” But she is putting herself through all of this pain for a really wonderful reason.

 “Seeing people on the street puts it into context. It makes me more grateful. Even though I’ve got a bad leg – at least I can pay to see someone.”

“When it’s cold and wet and horrible – that’s still nothing in comparison to living without a home,” she told us. “Seeing people on the street puts it into context. It makes me more grateful. Even though I’ve got a bad leg – at least I can pay to see someone.”

Helen also truly sympathises with those struggling with addiction, “I understand,” she says, “it makes you feel horrible but you just can’t stop.”

Donate on her Just Giving page

After hearing there was a space in the marathon, Helen thought to “actually I can do that… But over the last few months it’s really dawned on me how hard it is,” she added.

Helen, thank you for your support!

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