In November, we closed the doors for the last time at our social enterprise coffee bookshop Paper & Cup in Bow.
Over the last few years, we had run the cafe in partnership with Poplar Harca, which has been a fantastic experience. Whilst the cafe benefitted both our service users and the wider community in Tower Hamlets, as we enter the next phase of SCT, we decided that it was time to move on.
The café will be passed back to Poplar Harca who will determine the future of the business.
Our talent and resources will now be focused on our Shoreditch branch at 18 Calvert Avenue, E1, which you’ll be pleased to hear will remain open!
We are very grateful for all the support we have received from customers in the time we have been here.
Our talent and resources will now be focused on our Shoreditch branch at 18 Calvert Avenue, E1, which you’ll be pleased to hear will remain open!