Casting back to the first time I read about SCT, I already knew this was no ordinary charity.
“For us recovery is more than just abstaining from alcohol or drugs. It’s a way of thinking and living.”
Based in the heart of Shoreditch and running since 1965, the charity aims to help those in the area who have struggled with addiction issues and homelessness, guiding them in all stages of their recovery and social integration.
The charity is small but the attention to detail is immense as the dedicated team focus on the many stages that need to happen in order to secure more positive futures.
The ‘way of thinking and living’ becomes part of the process of personal development and sustained recovery. There seems to be a great focus on the journey as opposed to the destination.
The charity is small but the attention to detail is immense as the dedicated team focus on the many stages that need to happen in order to secure more positive futures.
As I walked in to the fundraising and communications office, I immediately noticed a group dynamic and a friendly atmosphere at the heart of the team. They were determined to work hard and check in on each other.
My first task was to familiarise myself further with the charity by reading The Accidental Hipster and Normal magazines alongside several leaflets about the charity.
I was already inspired and motivated by the charity before my first day and shared many of their values, but after further reading and exploration my excitement levels increased even further.
I couldn’t believe the history behind the charity and just how much they have done!
After all the familiarisation I could muster, I was shown around by Sonia and got to see a heck of a lot more than I expected to see on my first day.
I was impressed by how efficient each of the charity ‘venues’ were, from the cosy and welcoming coffee shop, Paper and Cup ,to the friendly and confidence boosting Drama class happening at the New Hanbury Project. I felt both a feeling of overwhelming curiosity and inspiration, whilst simultaneously trying to absorb all the new information.
I can already tell each day will bring me a positive challenge.
By Madalena Caldas, SCT Communications Intern.