Social enterprise Hackney Arts delivers creative arts sessions to SCT’s Choices recovery community.
Over the past year, SCT has teamed up with Hackney Arts, to run a series of creative sessions for our recovery community.
From life drawing and abstract painting to 3D printing, members of Choices got their hands dirty engaging their creative side and building their self-esteem in the process.
“Since I did this class I have discovered that I am very good at precision work…I might use this skill to help me find a job or career in the future. When people told me how good I was I found the confidence to get more involved and now am a part of the cooking team…I like chopping vegetables finely for our community meals,” said Raj, member of the peer-led community.
Choices members support each other through the challenges of life in recovery – and it is this atmosphere that offers its members to develop and learn new things.
Choices member, Cindy, remarked that she found that the arts series had helped build her “confidence and communication skills” and changed how she socialised with others.
Cindy added: “I feel they have helped me tap back into my creativity and have had a massive impact on my wellbeing, my self-care and how I see myself.”
“It’s clear to see how the arts sessions have benefited our community. Not only do our members have the opportunity to experience something new, which enables them to discover new skills and things they enjoy, but also to find their self-esteem and confidence through the very nature of creativity”, said Dawn, Choices Support Worker.
Our partners, Hackney Arts, aim to drive meaningful change through the power of arts through free workshops, training and volunteering opportunities.
If you would like to join or get involved with our Choices community, just click here to find out more.