CEO Steve Coles statement 

We take the physical and mental wellbeing of our staff, residents and people who use our services very seriously, and we will continue to do so throughout this challenging and unusual time. 


SCT is taking active measures to protect its residents and others to the best of its ability as the situation progresses. We are focusing on controlling the rate of contagion, by ensuring staff and residents maintain a high level of hygiene and follow guidance on social distancing, and by encouraging flexible working when appropriate. 

I am thankful to all SCT staff for their diligence on abiding by official advice and for their humanity in the face of adversity. It is encouraging to see our staff exhibit such compassion across the organisation – looking out for each other as well as residents, students, guests and customers.  

Together, we can continue to tackle homelessness and addiction, and transform lives. Thank you to all those who have and continue to support us.