At SCT we run a variety of programs for people recovering from addiction. Since London became the centre of the national Covid 19 crisis, we have had to adapt or temporarily close these services. Meanwhile, common challenges people encounter on the path to recovery, such as isolation, anxiety, and grief, have been exacerbated by the same crisis, making support services all the more important.
While lockdown continues, the internet and social media are playing a greater role in recovery journeys, offering a virtual community and safe space for people around the world. We spoke to some sober influencers, bloggers, and motivators about keeping on a positive path during lockdown.
Sober Dave, popular sober blogger, recovery coach, and motivational speaker, told us:
“Keeping my mind occupied throughout Covid 19 has been crucial to remaining positive with my sobriety. A lazy mind is a devil’s playground. I celebrated 500 days sober the other day and it’s the single best thing I have ever done for myself.”
Writer and stigma-buster Lucy Nichol gave us some insightful advice for helping others through recovery:
“So many people struggling with addiction feel ashamed and isolated. Their daily challenge is often misunderstood and judged. But isolation can kill. To be kind we don’t need to enable, we need to understand. We don’t need to compromise ourselves, we need to show empathy. We don’t need to be kind to addiction, we need to be kind to the person experiencing it. The illness isn’t the whole person. It never is.”
Alex and Lisa from The Sober Experiment, a support network and podcast on all things sobriety and mental health, offer some motivation for everybody:
“Although this time can cause anxiety and stress and lead to some people feeling isolated, it is also the perfect time to experiment with a sober lifestyle. Being alone can provide the perfect opportunity for self-reflection and self-development. Use this time as a shield from the outside world to get you going on your journey to sobriety. Getting sober is the kindest thing you can do for yourself and your mental health.”
Megan Montague, the influencer and motivator behind Sober Story, sums everything up:
“One thing I have learned in my sobriety journey is how important it is to share when you feel good. The world needs more of it. More success stories, more positivity, more hope, more joy, more optimism and more love.”
Sharing our experiences is a fundamental step for many in recovery as it helps everyone to build connections and feel less isolated. You can read more stories about overcoming the challenges brought by lockdown on our blog.