This week former Paper & Cup barista Gary, will start work at Trew Era, a new café being run by Russell Brand in Hoxton.

“It’s exciting – I’ll be working there three days a week. I’m a trained barista and I know about the coffee side of it because I was trained at Paper & Cup.
Everything I know about working in a coffee shop I learnt at Paper Cup. I’d never worked in a shop before but working there I learnt about customer service and that gave me a lot of confidence.”  
Gary former Paper & Cup trainee barista

SCT is delighted that another café will be opening in the East End to employ more people in recovery.

The two biggest triggers of addiction are the loss of a job or a failed relationship and they can happen to anyone.

That’s why we help people in recovery get back to work.

Hopefully more cafes like this will start to employ people in recovery and help us de-stigmatise addiction.

Read Gary’s story  

Last week, Russell Brand told SCT, the charity behind Paper & Cup, that he was inspired by our local coffee bookshop chain which also has a branch in Poplar. 

SCT wishes Trew Era Café the best of luck!

Read Gary’s story in East End Life

Read more about Paper & Cup our award-winning social enterprise

Read about Paper & Cup in the news

Thank you to James Bellorini for this fantastic photo of our Shoreditch Paper & Cup branch.