Acts of kindness towards us often go unnoticed when we’re preoccupied with our own worries, disappointments and stresses.
Maybe because in those difficult times, we find it hard to believe that anyone would want to be kind to us?
Maybe because we don’t think anyone would think we’re worth it?
Maybe because in those moments we don’t think we have anything to offer in return?
But true kindness involves no calculation of whether it has been earned and no consideration of what will be gotten in return. This is true love. This is Grace – a priceless gift freely given…. ‘just because’.
It’s a love that reminds us of our inherent worth and the beauty of human connection.
At this time of year, Grace is at the heart of Easter, Ramadan and Passover observances, reflections and celebrations. These too remind us that experiences of grace often emerge from moments of struggle. Just like the daffodils that sprout up in the gardens around our Recovery Hub at the end of a hard winter. And how it is that the more profound experiences of grace seem so often preceded by the most challenging times of struggle.
I am often left with feelings of humility and awe when I witness the resilience and generosity of spirit in those who have endured unimaginable hardship.
Grace brings new life.
Easter is a celebration of the ultimate act of grace — the gift of renewal and redemption. The boundless possibilities of hope, forgiveness, and second chances that we have the privilege of seeing every day at Spitalfields Crypt Trust.
Thank you for being part of our community and for your continued support.
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous Easter season filled with the gifts of grace.
Tony Chasteauneuf
Chief Executive, SCT