On Friday 13 February, local charity, Spitalfields Crypt Trust (SCT) is inviting the public to join in ‘Flip Flop Friday’ and flaunt their feet to raise money for the homeless.

“February is a really hard time for rough sleepers. Christmas goodwill has long gone and summer is months away. Flip flop Friday is a fun way to raise money for our homeless drop in and hopefully it’s the closest people will get to having cold feet this winter.” Stephen Armstrong, Head of Fundraising and Communications, SCT.

Workers are being asked to give £3 to wear flip flops or sandals at work for the day to raise awareness about homelessness in the capital during the winter. All donations will go towards helping the charity raise an extra £50,000 in its 50th birthday year.

People are encouraged to style their feet with funky socks and colourful accessories and share their look on social media using #flipflopfriday. Sign up at: www.justgiving.com/flipflopfriday.

SCT has been running a drop in serving food, drink and advice for the homeless since 1965. In an average week the drop in serves more than 160 people. Also on 5 February, the charity will be hosting a health and wellbeing MOT for its visitors. Free heart attack, stroke, HIV and other health checks will be offered alongside a pop up clothes store.

To sign up www.justgiving.com/flipflopfriday or call Mike on 020 7613 5722 or email mike.coffey@sct.org.uk.


About the Spitalfields Crypt Trust

1. SCT is an East London charity providing practical help, support and training to people who have been homeless and suffering from addiction. It runs a drop in, rehabilitation hostel, personal development & training centre and a number of social enterprises to allow recovering addicts to gain work experience and training. The charity was one of the first in the UK to provide shelter and rehabilitation to homeless, alcoholic men.
2. Find out more about the 50th birthday at: www.sct.org.uk/about-us/scts-50th-anniversary
3. Registered office: Acorn House 116-118 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JN. Spitalfields Crypt Trust is registered in England and Wales and limited by guarantee. Registered Charity No. 1075947 Company No 37347930
4. Follow us on Twitter: @recoverypathway #SCT50 and facebook.com/recoverypathway

Please email communications@sct.org.uk