Mr Pandemic 2020
It is just so quiet for a Wednesday morning,
You’ve changed everything, seemingly over night,
I was looking forward to that folk singer,
The night you came –
And changed everything..
Seemingly over night.
It has been a long wet winter,
And you decide to come at the same time as blue skies and sunlight.
What a cheek! What an intrusion!
But as I write.. I wonder –
Is this part of a picture I can’t fully see?
Are you here for a reason, for all humanity?
The buses are empty and the pubs are shut down
Causing many a wrinkle and many a frown,
We’re all being told –
‘Just sit down!’
And oh, how much slow
-er, are the days,
As I walk across bridges and back again.
Standing in the porch, on the steps of St. Paul’s
There are people made of stone down there,
White and sooty and tall.
The Nightingale built in ten days flat,
Amazing it could be done, just like that..
Grief and confusion and boredom and faff,
People are dying –
And I’m sorry about that.
Can we learn something new from Pandemic flu?
Can we change our ways when we’ve all pulled through?
I don’t know, it’s tough to call, and anyway I don’t have a crystal ball.
I was looking forward to that folk singer,
The night you came, and changed everything,
Seemingly over night.